Walking the Sacred Wheel: The Way of the Visionary

Using Angeles Arrien’s The Four Fold Way and material from the Sacred Circles Institute, we will explore ways to access the numinous in our lives in an experiential and supportive group focused on the ancient Wheel of Life. Engaging with the archetypes and energies of the four directions of the wheel, participants will have the opportunity to go deeper into themselves and their relationship to nature and the unseen world for connecting, understanding, and healing themselves, the collective, and the planet. Using indigenous wisdom and teachings from the Mystery traditions, group members will explore both inner and outer landscapes.

March 4: Callings and Synchronicity

March 18: The Vision Quest
April 1: Shamanic Journeys

April 15: Meditation and Mystery

May 6: Personal Power
May 20: The Creative Spark

First and third Wednesdays – 6:30 to 8:30 PM. $140 for six sessions or $25 per session.

All sessions held at Standing Stone Healing and Arts, 943 N. 89th St. Seattle 98103

Please bring drums and rattles if you have them, a blanket for your chair, a water bottle, and journal/pen.

To enroll, contact Dawn Dickson at (206) 777-5283 or dawndickson1@comcast.net.

Dawn Dickson, MSW, LICSW is a psychotherapist in private practice in Seattle. She has seventeen years experience engaging in psycho-spiritual, ceremonial and transpersonal group work focused on healing and transformation. Dawn has worked with indigenous peoples in the United States, Mexico and Peru.